Illustrator | Character Artist |Graphic Designer

I've done a range of commissions for personal and commercial clients that include character design, product design and illustrations, educational illustrations, and cosmetic items for video games.

Contact Me for Work

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Community Projects

I've contributed art to multiple online collaborative projects involving digital zines and posters in fandom communities such as the Apex Legends creative community. Below are the various projects I've been a part of.

Macks Arts Commissions

Terms & Conditions

The following Terms of Service (TOS)/Terms & Conditions, as well as prices are meant for PERSONAL USE ONLY. The prices and terms for commercial artworks are different from the ones stated on this page and subsequent links, and can be discussed with the client privately. Before sending an inquiry please read the following terms.If you have any questions regarding commissions types, terms and conditions, or if you simply wish to see more examples of my artwork and get additional information, then please send an email to purchasing [email protected].The TOS form must be submitted alongside the Commission Request Forms before your commission can be considered.*All information on this page is the same information included in the TOS form. The purpose of the form is to prove that you have read and understood my Terms and Conditions. *

Artists Do's and Don'ts

Art I am Willing to Make

  • SFW content

  • Full or Implied NSFW content∆∆∆

  • Simplified animals/pets

  • Simple/Complex backgrounds∆

  • Anthropomorphic characters/creatures∆

  • Humanoid characters

  • Fan Art

  • OCs

  • Real People

  • Robot and mechanism designs∆

  • LGBTQAI+ characters and themes

  • Couples/Ships∆∆


  • Heavy gore

  • Hate symbols and hate speech

  • Content that is xenophobic/transphobic/racist/anti-lgbtqai+/ etc.

  • No underaged/pedophilic ships.

  • No explicitly abusive relationships.

  • No ship art involving real life people (very tricky when it comes to actors)∆∆

∆ Willing to negotiate the complexity/content based on my current skills and comfort levels concerning the details of the commission request.∆∆ ✅ OKAY - Ship art of characters using the likeness of their actors. (ex. Blackbeard and Stede from Our Flag Means Death using the likeness of Rhys Darby and Taika Watiti's likeness.)∆∆ 🚫 NOT OKAY - Ship art of real people/celebrities who aren't in specific relationships together.
(ex. romantically shipping youtubers like Markiplier and JackSepticEye with each other. I believe that's RPF and I don't feel comfortable drawing that.)
∆∆∆ You may ask if I am taking NSFW Commission Requests via email/direct message at any time. Please know that these types of commissions are only open for limited amounts of time and the request form will be adjusted accordingly to reflect that fact. There are additional rules about usage permissions and crediting when it comes to NSFW art.

Time Sensitivity

I typically work on commissions batches on a first-come-first-serve basis. I'm working my way into doing commissions full time, but in the meantime I'll only be able to work on a few batches at a time.The completion of projects can also be adjusted after further discussion. Once a commission form has been accepted, I'll proceed with providing an estimate of how long the commission may take to complete if a time frame has not been suggested prior.Depending on the commission type, projects that take a shorter amount of time to complete will often move up on the priority list. Depending on the amount of back and forth communication, the entire process from start to completion can take 1-4 weeks or up to several months.

Regular Non-Time Sensitive Commissions
These type of commissions have a more flexible time period for completion. Due to some exterior commitments, my update schedule may not be consistent and there may be some delays to some commissions that may be hard to predict.
I'll do my best to stay in contact with you about possible delays. If I haven't checked in with you for about 7-14 days, please feel free to contact me about the progress on your commission! I also use my trello Commission Progress Page for Clients/Commissioners to track the progress of their commission without reaching out to me.

Time Sensitive Commissions
However, if your commission is time sensitive, please let me know in advance so that we can work out a reasonable time frame or find out if the commission is possible. If a time sensitive request is accepted then it will take priority among the batch. If the request is not possible then that is fine too! Perhaps commissioning another time in the future will work out better.

Copyright & Reproduction Rights

Rights of the Artist
The Artist shall retain all rights under copyright law to which the work, preliminary studies, drawings, specifications, and models may be subject. The Artist represents and agrees that the Artist is the sole creator of the work and that the work has not been previously displayed in whole or part.
Nothing shall prevent the Artist from creating future artwork in the Artist's manner and style of artistic expression. All commissions will be done in the styles that the Artist offers. DO NOT request the Artist to create a commission in the style of another Artist.The Artist has the right to decline a commission for any reason. Although a reason or explanation may be given, the Artist is not obligated to do so.Unless requested otherwise, the Artist maintains the right to post the finished commissions on their personal and public social media accounts, streams, and any future portfolios. The Artist maintains the right to post commissioned works with the intent of providing examples of their work. The artist will not sell the commissioned work as physical products, such as prints, charms, etc. because of the personal nature of this commission.Rights of the Client
The Client understands that these commissions are for PERSONAL USE unless arrangements have been agreed to prior. As long as proper credits accompany it, the client has my expressed permission to post the commissioned artwork(s) to your personal pages (which includes being featured on your twitch, youtube, thumbnails, social media sites like instagram or twitter, etc.)
Clients are strictly prohibited from tracing, altering, and/or reselling the commissioned artwork(s) in any form including NFTs, merchandising, or commercial use unless explicitly discussed prior.NFTs & Crypto
Clients and or persons are not permitted, under any circumstances, to use any part of their commissioned artwork, or artwork from my gallery for non-fungible tokens. In addition, the use of the artwork for any advertising or profits associated with non-fungible tokens, blockchains, or cryptocurrency is strictly prohibited.
I do not give permission for any of my work, commissioned or otherwise, to be used for any kind of NFTs, etcAI-Generated Art
The Client is prohibited from uploading, feeding, and/or teaching any AI-generated art program or algorithm with the commissioned work.
Proper Crediting
I'd love to see the work in use so I'd appreciate it if you notify me about it. (i.e. posting it on social media, using it in a video/stream, etc.) Using one of the following credits will suffice.
1. Commissioned Artist @macksarts
2. Commissioned Artist @macksarts | Macks S.C. Lazo
3. Commissioned Artist @macksarts |
Any crediting and permissions specifically involved with NSFW commissions will be disclosed to the client privately, but generally may involve the use of a different name for crediting.

Communication & Updates

The average turnround time is one week to 2 months. Should you have a deadline as a commissioner, it is your responsibility to make this known. However, commissions with deadlines will incur a fee that will be applied to the invoice.Throughout every stage I'll send you progress files and updates on how your commission is going through email or other direct messaging systems. I also use my trello Commission Progress Page for Clients/Commissioners to track the progress of their commission without reaching out to me.Clients may ask for updates at any given time. However, if it is too frequent, I will consider it harassment, and you will be blacklisted and blocked, and your commission canceled.I may complete the commission faster or slower than the average time due to chronic health conditions, large commission queues, and/or life complications. However, the client(s) will be notified by email should any of these or likewise complications be present at the time.

The Commission Process

After reviewing the commission request and receiving the TOS form submission, I'll decide whether or not to accept the commission. If the request form and TOS form are accepted for the batch then I will contact you immediately about payment. Once payment is received, I will place it into the priority list according to its type and time sensitivity and proceed with sketching.Rules About Revisions:
If important and/or key details have been missed by the Artist (i.e. markings, jewelry, etc.), this will be rectified without charge if the missing component is clearly seen on the reference. However, if the key details in question are not provided beforehand or not clearly seen on the reference(s) provided, this will incur a fee based on how long it takes to be rectified.
Minor Revisions
During the sketch stage, minor revisions can be made without incurring charges and extra fees. Once the sketch has been approved, you are permitted only one(1) very minor revision without incurring a fee. However futher changes,edits, and revisions WILL incure a fee. The amount will be at my discretion.
Major Revisions
Pose changes, color changes, or any other likewise significant changes that would especially alter 50% - 75% of the image, that are requested after the sketch has been approved will not be permitted nor accepted, unless you agree to major additional charges to compensate for the changes.

Examples of Minor RevisionsExamples of Major Revisions
Adding or removing scars on a characterChanging the entire outfit of a character
Changing the hairstyleChanging the entire pose/composition
Adding a few small accessories such as necklaces, rings, piercingsDrastically adjusting 50% or more of the pose or composition
Adding small details to an article of clothing like patches on a jacket 
Adjusting the one limb to change the pose or angle 

Stage 1: Sketches

After receiving payment, I'll begin sketching according to the request and details provided. I will send you a progress sketch(s) as well as one or two rough sketch variations for you to chose from via email/discord/twitter DMs for revision.At this stage, you must let me know of any minor/major changes/details you want me to make. Sketches may or may not have rough color and little to no shading.Once we've decided on an approved sketch(s), I will proceed to stage 2.

Stage 2: Refining Lines

If the commission type includes refined lines/Lineart, then I will proceed to line the approved sketch(s). This stage may take the longest in the process.*If the commission type is lineless then this stage is skipped to stage 3.

Stage 3: Flat Color Blocking

If your commission includes refined lines/Lineart or is lineless, then I will proceed to lay in flat colors and a couple color variations if needed. There is little to no shading at this step.If the commission only requires flat colors then I will immediately proceed to step 5.

Stage 4: Rendering

In this stage I'll be working on finishing the coloring with design details and/or shading if the commission requires it. This stage may take the 2nd longest amount of time to complete. Major revisions are not accepted at this stage.

Stage 5: Finalizing and Packaging

If you requested a partial payment plan, I will ask you to pay whatever amount is left before I send you the completed commissions. After payment has been received, you will be sent the completed commission files via email/discord/twitter dms. If the files together are too large to send, a google or dropbox link to download your files will be provided.Be warned that the link may expire after a month so you are expected to download these files before the expiration. You may request the files after that month but I cannot guarantee that I'll still have those commission files if they haven't been saved to an external hard drive.

Payment Information

Upon approval of the commission request, I will send you an invoice usually via paypal (I also accept venmo, cashapp, or ko-fi as methods of receiving payment. You will always receive an invoice for your personal records.)DO NOT send money before your commission is approved.
DO NOT send money before I send the invoice.
A PAYMENT MUST BE MADE BEFORE I CAN BEGIN WORKING ON THE COMMISSION.All commissions will be payed in **($) USD only. **I DO NOT ACCEPT ANY KIND OF PAYMENT IN CRYPTOCURRENCY or EXPOSURE.All payments will be made full upfront. OR, upon request and heavy consideration, payment plans may be made with a 50% advance and 50% prior to the completion of the final stage.

Refunds & Cancellation Policy

Remember that in commissioning me, you're paying for the production of an original art piece made by me, Macks Lazo (MacksArts). If once the commission is fully completed and you feel unsatisfied with the end product, you are not eligible for a refund as the job has been completed.I do my best to meet deadlines for time sensitive commissions, but if I am unable to meet our agreed upon deadline due to external circumstances, I will let you know as soon as possible to discuss extensions. If extensions are not possible then you are entitled to a partial refund along with the complete or partial termination of the commissioned work.As previously stated, I'll provide progress sketches to make minor changes, but saying "It's not what I thought it would be" or "I don't like it" after completing Stage 1 does not entitle you to a full refund. Please take a moment to look through my art to familiarize yourself with how I draw and what you can expect from the finished product.Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated, keep it professional or subject your commission to cancellation. In which case, the client will receive a full or partial refund depending on the amount of work completed, and be permanently blacklisted from all future commission inquiries.Clients that receive a refund due to this will not receive the artwork, regardless of completion.

The client may request a refund at any time during the commissioning process. However, how much a client will receive in their refund depends on the following conditions listed:Full Refunds
If I have yet to start on the commission, you as the client, are entitled to a full refund if you or I decide to cancel the commission at any time, for whatever reason.
Partial Refunds Refunds
If the commission has been started, especially if it has passed the sketch approval stage, the client will receive a partial refund based upon the hours spent on the piece thus far.
No Refunds
If the artwork is finished or close to being finished, no refunds will be given.
Unless I have yet to start on the commission, there will be NO REFUNDS for commission types below $50. *Due to the nature of the lower-priced commissions, I am usually able to complete them relatively quickly. This includes all types of sketch commissions since they can range from $15 - $50. *